How to
Write your travel story
Well, hello there!
Are you the new David Attenborough? If you have any trouble with telling your story the next few steps could be convenient.
First of all, you need to go back to your most precious memory when you visited the place. Get back in touch with the overwhelming feeling you got back then.
Now you're in the right mood!
Here are the steps
- You might already be doing this, but you need to log in via your profile to publish your adventure.
- Start with basic information such as street, city, country and sight.
- Now it is time to put your mood into words. Describe what made it spectacular. You could start by describing what you saw or where people should be taking a look, be specific!
- Submit! It's that simple, and feel free to tell more if you're quite the adventurer.
- Now you've inspired thousands of fellow adventurers to visit your favourite spot!
Don't question yourself, be confident.