Madain Salih (SA)
Madain Saleh
Madain Saleh is surrounded by a fence but when I arrived the gate was open and the police fast asleep. After I woke them up, they granted me access to this astonishing site.
You can compare it to Petra in Jordan, but without all the other tourists. The various hills surrounding Madain Saleh offer great shade to observe the massive stone-carved building.
Visiting hours are from 9-5 pm and the trip will bring you back to Jeddah around midnight. It is definitely worth the trip when you're in the neighbourhood and will really astonish you.
Near the sight, you can find the abandoned old town of al-Ula, which you're sort of obliged to visit yourself because you're already there.
I found myself to be a true explorer when I visited. It really allows you to become Indiana Jones haha.
I can definitely recommend visiting Madain Saleh.